Not wanting to blindly follow the normal patterns of calligraphy, Wada aims at exploring the new expressions of classical Japanese Calligraphy that can appeal to our aesthetic appreciation even outside of the settings of classical Japanese Calligraphy. Instead of siding with Japanese ‟avant-garde calligraphy”, almost formless formative art with Indian ink, his works retain the functional aspect of calligraphy, thus being more readable and comprehensive.

While those who receive the traditional training of calligraphy must go through rinsho, which is equivalent to the training of dessin in the old art academies, Wada tries to free himself of his long training and draw joyously and innocently like a child. Even so, the lines of characters should still be sophisticated, and the forms of the characters should be progressive but readable. This is the calligraphy style he wishes to achieve.



他の書家が、これまで各々が勉強してきた臨書を生かした、いわゆる書家の字であるのに対し、私は作品を作るとき、これまで勉強してきたことはすべて白紙にして、あるがままに子供が無邪気に書くように書いています。 それでいて、線は鍛え抜かれた線であり、前衛的ではあるが文字はちゃんと読める。これが私の目指す書です。
